Tahu kenapa kita fikir mereka cukup sempurna? Kerana kita mengenali mereka hanya pada dasar sahaja. Dan tahu kenapa kita fikir kita kurang dari segala-galanya? Kerana kita cukup mengenali diri kita. Luar dan dalam. Kita tahu segala-galanya tentang diri kita. Kita tahu kekurangan dan kelemahan diri kita sama seperti kita tahu kelebihan diri kita. Namun, kekurangan dan kelemahan diri menidakkan kelebihan diri. Bukankah Tuhan itu Maha Adil?
Questions: Is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence?
Answer: Yes, but it's an optical illusion. Look over at your neighbor's yard. The grass is greener, and there's a good reason. Look down at the grass between your feet. From this angle, you see each blades as not much more than a dot, and you see the brown earth between the blades. Now look across at your neighbor's lawn. You see the blades from the side, and they cover up the brown earth between them.
(9 habits of happiness by David Leonhardt)
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